Sometimes it is hard to envision the success of your startup at the beginnings or even before starting. However, looking up to how some startups started small and ended up with big achievements is motivating. There are many that we all are part of their success, and we do follow their progress, but we would have never thought of how they really began.
We all are familiar with Facebook as a social media platform for example. In fact, Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook as an internal social website for Harvard students at the age of 19. His website got popular among students and expanded to reach the interests of investors. Today Facebook is not just a basic website as it started. It actually is a giant global platform. As Mark Zuckerberg said: “In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” The whole secret might be into daring to take risks and the results eventually could amaze you”.
When the talk is social media platforms Instagram necesirely comes to our minds. The success of Instagram is due to Kevin Systrom’s striving for more, his work passion made him spend his weekends building an app that allowed location-aware photo and note sharing, and he named it Burbn. Mike Krieger was an early user of Burbn , he met Kevin and together they reduced Burbn to photos sharing only, and named it Instagram . Instagram today is used by influencers, celebrities, for branding, and a lot more. The success of Instagram is not questionable regarding its engagement rates. This to say that sometimes all it takes is to invest our time into the right occupations and passions.
Not all success stories are a first try win. Sometimes it requires not giving up until you succeed because failing from times to times is maybe adding to your success story more than what you might think. This brings us to the Angry Birds game. We all tried it at least once, right? Well the founders of the game had to try to build the game they envisioned to build 51 times before they eventually succeeded The Angry Birds. This is a moral for us to learn that failure is not supposed to bring us down; it is part of our “to be or not to be”.
In this article, we mentioned only a small sample of small ideas and startups becoming huge victories for their founders. Maybe YOUR idea is the next global giant! Because why not?