As we all might know a startup is a new idea of a service or a product brought to the market, and generally financed by its own founder and his surroundings in order to develop a young company with a good profit for further development of the startup.

    In fact, a startup is the beginning of a business, and this leads us to no provided history or profit to show. Therefore, it is a risky step leaving the founder with no exact estimation of loss, or profit. Having your own business starting is not easy, but not that hard. It all can start by an idea, and not necessarily a huge amount of money. Besides, it might not be as easy as it might sound because working on your simple idea requires many efforts. These efforts when rightfully implemented result in small startups becoming huge success stories.

    We might think that the Covid-19 situation harmed the development of business, and it is stopping the creation of new startups, backing us down from any innovation. However, the reality is different. This situation is the right moment to unleash your ideas into a startup. This was mentioned on the CO website published by the U.S Chamber of Commerce, where they clarified that one of the first reasons to step up and startup now is that the business model is changing , it is getting easier , and you can manage your business fully remotely.

     Due to the Covid-19 crisis the business world had to adapt to the situation because the costumers changed, their needs changed, and new norms to satisfy them were implemented which resulted into practical and less expensive work methods. We take the example of virtual meetings; the virtual meeting software is sophisticated ,which saves money, time, and a lot more that would have been in normal circumstances difficult , and more complicated for entrepreneurs.

    This time is also considered the best time to innovate. Customers today are more open to new ideas, and the current situation is an open field for creativity because innovation is after all a problem solving at its roots, and what is better than a crisis period to solve problems?

    You have an idea. You had so much time during the quarantine thinking what if? Now it is time to ask yourself the right questions. If not now then when? You have to dare to make your simple idea become your huge success, and do never underestimate your capacities because simple plans sometimes make the best success stories.

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