Due to your domain of interests, you surely have heard of those situation where we try to find a magical solution to boost our memory, is there any solution in foods for that?
Nawel: Yes! Food can be of a good help to boost your memory:
1)- Fill up on vitamins B1 and B3 by taking brewer’s yeast, or vitamin C found in fruits such as kiwis, oranges or vegetables. They play a role in nerve transmission, and help maintain a good level of brain performance. Likewise, dried fruits stimulate the secretion of serotonin, which acts on mood, sleep, and increase the effects on memorization.
2) – If you feel the need (fatigue, stress …), you can turn to food supplements such as minerals (iron, magnesium …) or vitamins. However, do not be fooled by miracle drugs: at best, they are ineffective, and at worst dangerous. For any case, ask your doctor for advice before going to the pharmacy or ordering on the internet.