Dear Nawel, we have reached for your passion and the importance you give to nutrition. Can you clarify more its importance and relation to succeeding exams for our readers?

Nawel: It is important to study well in order to be successful. However, eating well and following a good nutritional balance is also important because during exams your brain consumes energy. This to say that exam success depends also on your plate.

Now that our readers are aware of the general image, we might still need to go on further details!  How can we know that we are having the right nutrition for the exams Period?

Nawel: Here are some nutrition tips to put the odds in your favor:

Never skip meals during exam period! Whether it is breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack. Energy needs are important and if they are not assured, the body is less efficient! Give yourself snacks and  a little pick-me -up when you feel that you need them by favoring dried fruits (figs, grapes, almonds …) (these are an effective solution for thoughts disturbances and attention, or (fresh apple, orange …) to also consume in case of fatigue. Especially in the middle of the afternoon. Otherwise, avoid nibbling, especially if you crave cakes and sweets. Eat varied but balanced! You have to diversify your diet as much as possible during the week of revision and it is necessary to eat differently at each meal.

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