Henkel is a German company active in three fields of activity: detergents and household maintenance, cosmetics, and glues and adhesives. Henkel products and technologies are available worldwide with employees from 125 nations and locations around the world. Henkel achieves a strong presence both in mature and emerging markets, and was ranked 40th among 100 Most Valuable Companies in the 2021 report Global RepTrak 100.

        In Partnership with SEVE, Henkel and SEVE are launching their second session of the Henkel Women Academy. SEVE is the association of Algerian women entrepreneurs, which supports women who have chosen entrepreneurship as a field and career path. Due to the Henkel & SEVE collaboration, it is now possible for Algerian women entrepreneurs to benefit from online training and support, by coaches and trainers to make a successful Start-Up launching.

        Women with entrepreneurial projects are encouraged by the Henkel Women Academy program. The program of two founding partners is contributing to women’s professional development and it is an inspiration for them to pursue careers in science and technical fields.The two founding partners are reflecting their dedication to the social and professional growth of Algerian women, as well as the country’s economic development in this program.

        Henkel Algeria and SEVE are hosting the event virtually this year. After selecting the candidates for the “Henkel Women’s Academy”, the selected persons will be able to participate in 10 training courses of the Henkel Women’s Academy. Henkel and the internal SEVE jury will choose the participants equally, and this based on the following criteria: the power of the project’s creativity, the ambition of the idea, and the scalability.

        The application are open until May 6, 2021. Now is your moment to believe you can, earn your chance, and start big. Now is not the time to hesitate, but to proceed, and you can find more information about the application conditions, the process, in addition to application link on the program’s platform www.hwadz.com

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