Through their official website, MEST is defined as “An Africa-wide technology entrepreneur training program, internal seed fund, and network of hubs offering incubation for technology startups in Africa. Founded in Ghana in 2008, MEST provides critical skills training, funding, and support in software development, business, and communications to Africa’s tech entrepreneurs. MEST is funded by the Meltwater Foundation, which is the non-profit arm of Meltwater, a global leader in media intelligence and Outside Insight.” Since 2008, Mest has invested over $22M in training over 350 individual entrepreneurs and funded 60+ Software Companies across Africa. MEST is a one-year training program at Ghana where support and mentorship through the Mest network hub across Africa is provided.

    The one-year program is a full-time, fully funded opportunity in which the entrepreneurs accepted into the program are provided with intensive entrepreneurial trainings and support to help the trainees launch their business with a goal of scaling across African markets . The applications deadline is on September 17, 2021, and the program officially starts on January 2022.The program will be a hybrid of virtual and physical sessions.

    The program targets individuals aged from 18 to 35, with a much high interest in business and technology who has to be fully committed to the program. Due to the global pandemic, the applicants can be from any country, and have any citizenship, but must be living in Ghana, or Nigeria. The applicants must also meet the requirements established (Check the official website of MEST for the requirements), also respecting the application process guidelines is mandatory.

    The application process is about completing a list of pre-learning courses, and you will have to commit to a given deadline in order to create an account on Acclaim, for you to upload your certificates earned at the end of each course. Later on, you are requested to take an aptitude test, and the score of your test will be requested from you once you fill the application. Your score is extremely important because it determines your next step.

All the information mentioned are extracted from the official website: MEST. For detailed information about the requirements, application link, and process check the MEST official channels.

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